Archive for the ‘magazinify’ Category

Now Add Links Via Twitter

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Now we have one more way for you to add articles to your digest. We can now pick your links from your favourite tweets and add it to your digest.

You can specify your twitter handle on the right side in your dashboard.

twitter-handleWhen you add your twitter handle for the first time we will only import links from first 20 favourite tweets, and from then on, we will keep adding new links that you add to your favourite list.

Only thing you need to remember is that, for now we can only pick links, if your tweets are public.

This is just a start, a deep integration with twitter is coming, meanwhile do let us know your feedback so that we can keep improving it.

Written by Amit Singh

January 5th, 2011 at 6:32 am

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Magazinify API

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Updated on: Jan 4, 2011

Magazinify now allows third party application developers to add URLs to user’s account.

We currently support basic HTTP calls, which means URL’s should be accessed along with their respective parameters and plain text response will be returned.  The status will also be reflected via HTTP status code.

Username: The email address used by user for receiving emails.
Key: The API Key provided on user’s dashboard after logging in.
AppId: Id of your registered application. Application can be registered at
AppSecret: Your application secret key.
Authentication API:
It is used to validate the user’s credential. This can be used if you want to check credentials without adding an URL. You do not need an registered application to access this api.
Accessible via POST method.

  • username
  • key

Response status codes:

  • 200: OK
  • 400: Bad request. Missing username/key.
  • 401: Invalid username or key.
  • 500: Some error occurred while processing the request.

Adding URLs API:
It can be used to add URLs to the Magazinify account. Authentication API need NOT be called every time a URL has to be added. This API is only accessible to authenticated applications.
Accessible via POST method.

  • username
  • key
  • url
  • appid
  • appsecret

Response status codes:

  • 200: OK. Request processed, but the URL has already been added by the user previously. No new entry created.
  • 201: The URL has been successfully added to the user’s Magazinify account.
  • 400: Bad request. Missing username/key/url/appid/appsecret.
  • 401: User+Key Combination or AppId+AppSecret Combination error.
  • 403: Revoked access to application.
  • 500: Some error occurred while processing the request.

Keep Magazinifying 🙂

Written by Aman Kumar Jain

January 2nd, 2011 at 5:48 pm

Posted in magazinify

Quick Tip: Use Your Kindle With Magazinify

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Here is a quick tip, for owners of Kindle, on how to get the daily digest from Magazinify directly on your kindle.

First go to manange you kindle page and add ‘’ in your safe email sender list, then simply login to Magazinify dashboard, change your email address to kindle email address, and next digest will be send directly to your kindle.


Magazinify  Dashboard

Written by Amit Singh

January 2nd, 2011 at 5:39 am

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Magazinify: Your Personal Digest

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I want to introduce "Magazinify", the latest experiment at AmiWorks.

Magazinify is a bookmarking service that allows you add articles to a personalized daily digest, that is emailed to you everyday. You can  then go through the digest in your leisure.

We generally keep bookmarking articles to read later and forget them. So, now we can keep bookmarking the articles in the ‘to read’ list and  receive them in a digest that can be read like a magazine while travelling, waiting, or any other suitable time.

Cheers! Keep Magazinifying 🙂

Written by Aman Kumar Jain

December 22nd, 2010 at 2:03 pm