AmiWorks Turns 3, About To Move Out of Alpha


Yesterday we turned 3. It is kind of important milestone for us.

This year we were focused on consolidations, making sure we survive the costly lessons and ensuring that we establish ourselves as WordPress Experts. We are now 19 people, with few more members joining us from January.

Our experiments this time were not in coding, but more in business to see what type of work we should do, what kind of pricing will work and what it takes to go to next level.

One more thing I want to take this opportunity to thank few friends who gave us advice during the last three years to help us survive the initial days, bad days and formulate our strategies. They are Navin Kabra, Dhanajay Nene, Arun Prabhudesai, Annkur Agarwal, Dnyanesh Gangamwar, Arun Tomar, Parth Lawate, Ashwin Date, Shardul Mohite, Saurav Mishra, Bhavesh Radadiya, Jaydip Parikh, Nikhil Ambekar, Vikrant Labde, Girish Dhakephalkar, Kinshuk Sunil, Mangesh Yadav, Ranjan Rajgopal and Salim Siddiqui. I don’t have words to express my gratitude for them, as their advice’s and suggestions became critical at various point in time during last three years and helped us survive.

For those with understanding of AOE-ROR, we have accumulated enough food points to initiate the change of age. Actually we have initiated the research and we are now waiting for our age to change to bronze.  🙂

Our Experiments Continue…

Written by Amit Singh

October 23rd, 2012 at 4:24 pm

Posted in general

12 Responses to 'AmiWorks Turns 3, About To Move Out of Alpha'

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  1. Hello Amit & Team,

    There is no doubt about expertise you and your team ie, AmiWorks is having. Wish you good luck for future too. I hope we will get GRAND Party once you turn 4th year old.

    Jaydip Parikh

    24 Oct 12 at 3:57 pm

  2. @jaydip We will have a Grand party when we turn 5.


    25 Oct 12 at 5:34 am

  3. […] also want to take this opportunity to thank all our well wishers, customers and team members who stood by us during our turbulent […]

  4. […] end, just one final push is needed. That being said, I want to take this opportunity to thank our well wishers, customers and team members who have continued to support and believe in us. I also want to […]

  5. […] size small, but highly optimized. That being said, I want to take this opportunity to thank our well wishers, customers and team members who have continued to support and believe in […]

  6. […] would like to take this opportunity to remember and thank all our well-wishers and team members who have continued to support […]

  7. […] would like to take this opportunity to remember and thank all our well-wishers and team members who have continued to support […]

  8. […] being said, I would also like to take this opportunity to remember and thank all our well-wishers who continue to support […]

  9. […] would also like to take this opportunity to remember and thank all our well-wishers who continue to support […]

  10. […] would also like to take this opportunity to remember and thank all our well-wishers. This year I would like to add “Biju Nair” to this list of well-wishers, he went out of […]

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